3 Customer Service Strategies to Build Long-Term Loyalty

there are three chalk-drawn door choices, 1, 2, and 3

The big customer service strategy question a client asked their team last week—do you know why some customers leave and why come customers stay? 

Unfortunately, her team did not have the definitive answers required as valuable input for their customer service strategy. Instead, they had to make calculated guesses, monitor the results and adjust along the way. They decided to look at the feedback they had, think about what they sell and to whom, consider their track record with past and current customers, and begin a process to elicit more revealing answers regarding customer growth, attrition and loyalty.

If you and your customer service team are in a similar situation, you can follow these three guidelines that have worked for our clients who seek to build their long-term customer base:

  1. Show that you truly care.Research shows that nearly three-quarters of those customers who left a business did so, not because of a bad product or service but because of a bad customer experience. Customers that stay have an emotional connection to the company. They feel they are respected, treated as an individual, and appreciated for their loyalty. They value the ease with which they can reach you and trust that you have their best interests at heart.

  2. Be understanding and creative as you try to resolve a customer’s issue.Listen well, check for understanding and be sincere in your desire to help. A company’s customer service strategy and culture should give you the necessary authority and support you need as a customer service rep to handle almost any situation in order to reach a satisfactory conclusion from your customer’s point of view.

  3. Follow through on your promised solution.This is the old “do what you say you will do.” You will quickly lose a customer’s trust and loyalty if you do not deliver on your promise. Don’t just talk about a fix…do it and check to see that the customer is satisfied with the resolution.

Customers will stay with you if they believe through your words and your actions that you value their business and care about delivering the top-notch service you promised and they deserve.

Learn more at: http://www.lsaglobal.com/customer-service-strategy/

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