Never Ever Take Your Customers for Granted

The words "customer first" are on a giant hand to denote the right customer service strategy

Customers are your bread and butter. Without them, you might as well fold up shop. So you need to devise a customer service strategy that not only attracts target customers but keeps your best customers coming back for more…and more.

  1. Show them the respect they deserve. It is not enough to be polite; you need to treat each customer as if their satisfaction with your product and service is your only goal. Customers should be so delighted with each interaction that they talk about the experience with friends and family. This is how to spread your “customer first” reputation.
  2. Stay ahead of their needs. The best hosts know what their guests would like ahead of time. They are fully prepared to respond to every need even before asked. This is the way you should provide for your customers.  Do what it takes to understand what matters most to them and consistently deliver it.
  3. Keep your promises and deliver on them quickly. When things go awry as they sometimes do, accept responsibility, offer a remorseful apology and work to find a satisfactory solution. Once agreed upon, go into action. Empty promises can rapidly sour a relationship.

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